Unpublished Stories. · 2:30pm Jun 26th, 2013
Have you guys ever ran through your unpublished stories from about...six months ago and just thought to yourself 'this is really shitty, but the idea is so great?'
Getting a huge wave of that happening right now. Considering deleting them and just rewriting the whole thing from scratch.
God, this feels awkward to publish, now I know why I should never get a blog.
Ooo, that's cool man; I've always wanted one of these. I've never really considered the story from a deconstruction-ist view, so that was clever of you.
Good job.
Can't spend too long looking at it though, or else Tropes will suck all my time up and I'll never get anything done.
Have a tropes page.
I'm following you
-Is Australian.