• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2018


Just a fic writer, looking at things from a bit of a different perspective sometimes .

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Just an update! · 9:23pm Jun 24th, 2018

Currently, reviewing all chapters for mistakes, one at a time. So if you see changes, 'twas me!

Am getting them ready for self-publishing and could be a while. Getting those spelling errors and try to get the story straight from when I was writing so fast it was a jumble.

So little things might change, nothing huge, but figured I'd let you good people know, because as sharp-eyed and smart as ya are, SOMEONE would say something :)

Take care all!


P.S. More Coming!

Report NFire · 997 views · Story: Legacy ·
Comments ( 268 )
  • Viewing 264 - 268 of 268

It would be nice to see you again, old friend.

I feel like a stalker at this point.

Hope you're okay, would like to see Legacy updated soon.

Here for the legacy love, hope you're alright and just busy.

Spam is delicious, do you know what would also be delicious? to know you are still alive.

  • Viewing 264 - 268 of 268
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