• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2018


Just a fic writer, looking at things from a bit of a different perspective sometimes .

More Blog Posts29

  • 345 weeks
    Just an update!

    Currently, reviewing all chapters for mistakes, one at a time. So if you see changes, 'twas me!

    Am getting them ready for self-publishing and could be a while. Getting those spelling errors and try to get the story straight from when I was writing so fast it was a jumble.

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    23 comments · 1,040 views
  • 347 weeks
    Oh! And I forgot!

    Yes, to those wondering, I'm trying to figure out how to format all the stories to self-publish the chronicle of Legacy.

    I was surprised, very humbled and honored beyond all belief when some readers asked if I was planning to do so. Now, there is money coming in, I can plan on this.

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    53 comments · 1,055 views
  • 348 weeks
    Let's try this again....

    Okay, I said I received the messages, yes. I did not say it would turn into something bad. A love scene? I did one in the story, nothing bad at all except a nicely short thing that let you know they loved each other. My definition of 'hot' is very different from a lot of folks.

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    9 comments · 658 views
  • 348 weeks
    Messages Received :)

    Now, I'm an adult, lots of folks here are adults, we all ..blah blah blah blah. And that's over with.

    I have gotten, through private messages, or otherwise, requests for..shall we say..ohhhh..a 'steamy' story or two, or even a scene in the main story of Legacy itself.

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    24 comments · 927 views
  • 349 weeks

    I have been hired onto a new job, and I'm excited! Plus scared. Trust me, traveling round the country laying fiber optic cable doens't sound bad, but it's a big change from what I was doing.

    I have not stopped writing, it's been a hard last few months, but I have a ton of chapters to update with!

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    32 comments · 768 views

Just an update! · 9:23pm Jun 24th, 2018

Currently, reviewing all chapters for mistakes, one at a time. So if you see changes, 'twas me!

Am getting them ready for self-publishing and could be a while. Getting those spelling errors and try to get the story straight from when I was writing so fast it was a jumble.

So little things might change, nothing huge, but figured I'd let you good people know, because as sharp-eyed and smart as ya are, SOMEONE would say something :)

Take care all!


P.S. More Coming!

Report NFire · 1,040 views · Story: Legacy ·
Comments ( 23 )

There had better be, or I'll send the X!X!X to infect your computer.

I call dibs on first copy

4889241 Okey dokey! Already got your name on the list :)

4889149 Jeez, gimme time!:P

4889130 There's always more stories to be told :)

Currently, reviewing all chapters for mistakes, one at a time.

154 chapters, 1.14 million words...

'one at a time.'

Christ almighty... it took me over a week to read all of that; i can scarcely imagine trying to edit such a beast in it's entirety...

4889388 I know it's a long task, but before I commit to self-publishing, gotta make sure things are okay :) Like I said, gonna be a bit of time, but now, got tons of it and the wherewithal! :) (In a week? Did you even sleep?):twilightsmile:


(In a week? Did you even sleep?)

IIRC, it took me about 10-11 days in all, and i averaged about 2-3 hours of sleep per day during that time... when i wasn't busy with other stuff, i was reading.

If you're going over everything then ho boy, back when the story was at 800k I read it in 6 days. So it can only take longer from there.

4889430 You are officially awesome. :pinkiehappy:

4889575 Shush you :P

4889896 It will take a while, but it'll be better for it. Some little things that make it better, spelling, punctuation that I missed in my lust to write and get it out there. Can't publish a book with all that, would not be fair to anyone wanting a copy :)

Looking forward to that copy :twilightsmile:

4889931 You gots it! Probably multiple volumes..as folks have so kindly noted..one chapter is 100k words long.. Yeah, still getting flak for that one :)

One thing I noticed a lot of was how you handled multiple paragraphs in quotes:

"When a character talks a lot you had them start a new paragraph."
"And is looked like this..."


"Characters can say one thing and switch to another paragraph.
"And it should look like this. There's not quotation marks at the end of the previous paragraph so the reader knows that the same character is talking.
"Only when they get to the last paragraph do you end it with quotes."

Hope this helps.

4891986 Yes, it does quite a bit. I've not been paying attention. As I go through and review chapters for printing, it will get changed. THanks so much Wacky. You and others have helped me a lot in the past with storytelling :)

Quite alright--we all love the work! :raritywink:

Ugh, the friggin clackers, I remember those things from "Bolo Rising".

Just a thought here...Self publishing through Lulu? Another awesome writer did that for a series I've enjoyed called "The Celestia code". I may spell his name wrong....Isaw? Just wanted to let you know. The multiple books are well made and it doesn't take long to get them.

Hope you are doing well!

Hope you are well hope to see more.

Met some brownie friends today and showed them this fake. I told them that you've been gone for a while, but so far they really enjoy what you've brought. Hope you come back and return the biz soon.

It is worrying that they just disappeared.. I hope they are doing ok

Well, looks like this writer is truly and utterly dead.

Did the big C get you?

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