• Member Since 13th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 20th, 2021


I'm a long time science fiction and animation fan who stumbled into My Little Pony fandom and got caught -- I guess I'm a Brony Forever now.

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The "Shadow Wars"

The machinations of the Cosmic Concepts have shaped the history of the Ponies for ten thousand years. But now their mistakes have cracked the Cosmos, and the Shadows seep through to claim our own Universe for their dark and predatory purposes. If they can gain a bridgehead on Equestria's Earth, this will be but the first step in a war of extermination against our continuum, a war which will end in the destruction of all life in our own Universe.

Can Celestia lead the defense of the Earth and save, not only her little Ponies, but all Earthlife, from utter annihilation? Can Luna be redeemed from the Shadows and return to her former greatness? Will Discord prove a powerful ally, or betray them all to damnation? Can a new generation of powerful beings aid them enough to bring victory? Or will the Earth die, drained of its vitality by the sinister Shadows?

List of stories in the Shadow Wars universe further down the page.

Now with its own master TV Tropes Page!

List of Stories in the Shadow Wars Series

Here are the stories of the Shadow Wars, roughly in order, including major incomplete and projected works:


Undying Love (incomplete): Takes place from around 2500 to 1500 years ago. Discord and Celestia; how he loved and lost her, in a love that is undying, much as they might wish they could forget.

Corruption at Nightfall (incomplete): Takes place over a thousand years ago. The tale of Prince Crimson Quartz and Lady Tourmaline of the Crystal Empire, and Princess Luna of Equestria; and how the Empire fell into darkness.

All the Way Gone (projected): The story of how Princess Luna of Equestria fell into the Nightmare.

"His Recipe For Love" (complete, 11,334 words): YOH 1252, or 248 years before the Season One opener. Aventurine Miter is very much in love with his wife Harmonia Pie. Join them on the Hunt for the Ingredient of the Cupcakes of Life! M-rated, NSFW, both sex and gore.

Malign Spirits (incomplete): YOH 1269, or 231 years before Luna's Return. Keen Trader was all set to make a tidy profit and secure his family fortunes when vicious bandits wrecked his venture. Now he wants revenge. And, with the aid of, he's going to get it!

An Incident On Senry Duty (incomplete): In YOH 1409, some 91 years before the start of Season 1, Cadet Guidestar Flight stops an intruder at the Arsenal of the West Hoof Military Academy, and he finds himself protecting a younger female cadet who is caught up in intrigue between two of the Pegasus High Clans.

Collateral Damage (complete, 32,231 words): In YOH 1481, some 19 years before the start of Season 1, ex-Guardspony Falcon Punch tries to deliver a vital package from Appleloosa to Canterlot -- but unknown to him, an elite Changeling Infiltrator is on his trail! Characters include Falcon Punch, Princess Ceymi, and a 9-year-old Cheerilee. Dark tragedy, with gore and (very limited but horrifying) sexual content.

Pinkie Sense and Sensibility (incomplete): The birth and early life of Pinkie Pie and her sisters.

"Ruminations in Stone" (complete, 2,292 words): Spring, YOH 1500, a couple months before Luna's Return and the start of Season One. Wind Whistler, trapped within the stone statue of Discord, muses about her past and future.

Nightmares Are Tragic (complete, 32,976 words): S1E1-2, June 21-22 YOH 1500, The Elements of Harmony (Season One opener), from Luna's perspective. The core story of the Shadow Wars continuity, introducing its interpretation of the Mane Six and especially of Princess Luna and the true nature of the Shadows.

An Extended Performance: (complete, 26,639 words) S1, June YOH 1500 (same time as the Season One opener): Side-story to Nightmares Are Tragic, detailing how Trixie defended her show against the Shadow Coven in Manehattan on the Longest Night, and what Celestia was doing while all this was going on.

A Long Night at the Hippodrome (incomplete) S1, June YOH 1500 (same time as the Season One opener): Side-story to An Extended Performance, detailing how Trixie's old friend Piercing Gaze dealt with the Longest Night at his theater in Baltimare.

His Mark On History (incomplete, S1, June YOH 1500 (early S1, from The Elements of Harmony to "The Ticket Master. but set on another continent): Can First Strong Messenger make his mark on history by striking a blow for the freedom of the South Speaker Ponies of Taura?

No Trouble at All (incomplete, early S1, July YOH 1500, one month after Luna's Return): The 10-year-old Apple Bloom, bored, decides to run out and play in the Everfree.

The Romance of the Open Road (incomplete) early S1, YOH 1500: The Great and Powerful Trixie leaves Manehattan and takes to the road to win her fortune -- a road that will lead her to Ponyville.

All the Way Back (incomplete) early S1, YOH 1500: How Princess Luna, purged of the NIghtmare, recovered her power and sanity, making a place for herself in the strange new world of modern Equestria.

Least Noticeable and Little Flappy (incomplete): Early S1, YOH 1500, contemperaneous with E5 "Griffon the Brush-Off" How "Least Noticeable" Claire Pie, Pinkie's gigantic invisible twin sister, saved a little flappy creature and made a new friend.

Dragonshyness (complete, 38,854 words): early mid S1, YOH 1500, contemperaneous with E7: "Dragonshy." The most terrifying day of Fluttershy's life, as she must finally face the creature she most dreads -- a full-grown Dragon.

Royal Business (incomplete): Early mid S1, September YOH 1500, a bit after E7 "Dragonshy." Spike is called away on royal business to meet with Celestia, but he winds up spending a while as Luna's guest.

A Robust Solution (complete, 11, 859 words): mid S1, YOH 1500, just before E12 "Call of the Cutie." Fluttershy reveals a shameful secret from her past to Rarity, who helps her friend understand and surmount its emotional legacy.

Fluttershy Is Free (complete, 10,464 words): S1, YOH 1500, after E12 "Call of the Cutie." Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash go to see a butterfly migration, and Fluttershy reveals a dark secret of her origin.

"Teacher Zero" (complete, 7,440 words): S2, YOH 1501, right after E03 "Lesson Zero." Celestia and Luna react to the madness that has nearly claimed Twilight Sparkle.

"Advance Warning" (complete, 6,001 words): S3, YOH 1503. Princess Celestia tells Princess Luna of her plan to redeem their old mutual friend, Discord.

"A Meeting by Moonlight" (complete, 2,932 words): S3, YOH 1503. Princess Luna visits Twilight Sparkle one night and tells her a tale of the Age of Wonders, revealing more than she means to in the process.

"Feeling Adrift" (complete, 4,938 words): S3, YOH 1503, right after "A Meeting by Moonlight." Princess Celestia tries to help her sister deal with her feelings of alienation and loneliness.

Divine Jealousy and the Voice of Reason (incomplete): S4, November YOH 1504, right after "Equestria Games" and before Twilight's Kingdom. When Discord discovers he has a rival for Fluttershy's love, he consults his inner Voice of Reason for advice.

Substitute Mentor (incomplete): Pony Earth segment is between S4 and S5, January YOH 1505, while the Nightmare Delusion Humanoid Earth segment is AD 2016 and the Angel of Illusion Humanoid Earth segments are AD 2010 to 2016. Can the Humanoid Trixies be saved from madness and their worlds from devastation by the Humanoid Piercing Gaze?

Post-Traumatic (complete, 65,404 words): April YOH 1505. Starlight Glimmer has been defeated and Our Town liberated. Now the returning Mane Six must deal with the damage the Sameness did to their minds. Sometimes, mere victory is not enough.

Fools and Drunks (incomplete): April YOH 1505. Snips and Snails decide to celebrate Snails' 16th birthday by gping into the Everfree doing something a bit more unwise than usual. Will Snails finally tell Snips about Glittershell? Will the two teenage colts even survive?

"Her Special Gift" (complete, 2,673 words): May 4th, YOH 1507. The morning after her wedding night, Pinkie Pie gives her new husband Cheese Sandwich a very special gift.

Love Amongst Monsters (incomplete): Starting YOH 1508, concluding YOH 1512. Ill Wind, a brilliant Pegasus scientist, works to complete a vital engineering project for High Commander Windvane, and may find romantic as well as professional success.

Love Starved (incomplete): February-March, YOH 1515. Compound is reassigned to the Provisional Hive Defense Swarm, which she knows is a near-suicide post. But in what she assumes to be the last days of her life, she makes two very good friends.

The Fall of Hive Hunger-Prime (incomplete): April, YOH 1515. Compound and her friends struggle to survive within the last of Queen Hunger's hives as it falls at the end of the Great Changeling War (1513-1515).

Twelfth Equestriad Interview (complete, 15,741 words): June YOH 1548, 48 years after Luna's Return and 24 years after the final victory in the Shadow Wars, Luna and Twilight are interviewed on TV on the night of the Summer Sun Celebration.

"Audience Reaction" (complete, 2,867 words): June YOH 1548, side-story to Twelfth Equestriad Interview. During the historic interview TV broadcast, Rarity and Spike deal with an attempt to sabotage Rarity Enterprises' perfume campaign.


I Guess It Doesn't Matter Any More (complete, 16,169 words): Between Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks. Trucker Long Haul picks up a whole lot of trouble when he gives a ride to a hitch-hiking ghost girl on the outskirts of the Everfree National Forest.


Shipping Sunset Shimmer with Sci-Twi · 8:59am Mar 28th, 2021

I. A Tale of Two Shows When I wrote the few pieces of fiction I have set in the Equestria Girls side continuity, I wrote them from the assumption that Sunset Shimmer was heterosexual and passionate (though at first sexually-inexperienced, due to her youth at the time of entering the Humanoid world). Given this, my unfinished prequel (An Equestrian Gentlemare) was chiefly about Sunset Shimmer's love affair with Flash Sentry, in which they stop short of full genital

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Comments ( 1157 )
  • Viewing 1,153 - 1,157 of 1,157

SO SORRY I didn't know.

Comment posted by Ao Maelstrom deleted Jul 20th, 2023

I know you said he went in his sleep, but what was it, exactly, that took him?

I remember that MythrilMoth had been chronically ill and in bad health when he died in his sleep, so...

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