4.57 Billion Years Ago: The great blue-white star Tiamat is in her final hours. Four of her very special friends come to attend her.
One of those friends has deeper purposes in mind. And Tiamat may have a special destiny.
I'm a long time science fiction and animation fan who stumbled into My Little Pony fandom and got caught -- I guess I'm a Brony Forever now.
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4.57 Billion Years Ago: The great blue-white star Tiamat is in her final hours. Four of her very special friends come to attend her.
One of those friends has deeper purposes in mind. And Tiamat may have a special destiny.
YOH 1507 (right before the start of "Triple Threat"):
Spike is extremely nervous as he prepares to greet Ember at Ponyville. Fortunately, Twilight Sparkle finds something to calm him down ...
Takes place in the Shadow Wars Story Verse, but is definitely not canon to it. At least I hope it's not canon to it.
Kindness Is Magic, S1E04; early July YOH 1500 (within half a month of the Return of Luna): The formerly almost hermetic Fluttershy Wind has cemented her old friendships with Rainbow Dash and Rarity Belle in the Quest of the Elements of Harmony, become closer to Applejack and Pinkie Pie, and made a new friend in Twilight Sparkle. But she is most especially fascinated by Twilight's adoptive baby brother and personal assistant, Spike the Dragon. Fluttershy decides to do something to him she almost never does toward any civilized creature -- make friends.
This story is a sequel to Post-Traumatic
Summer, YOH 1505 (early to mid Season Five): Rarity has recovered from the psychological damage of her captivity in Our Town, and the fomerly Equal Ponies have begun to recover from the damage done to them by Starlight Glimmer.
Secure in Spike's love and her own Fabulousness, Rarity is working on the designs for her planned Canterlot Boutique, when she receives an unexpected visitor -- a Pony she devoutly hoped never to see again.
Spring, YOH 1507: Fluttershy has built her animal sanctuary. Having estabished her own little domain, she feels certain deep stirrings ... and starts to act upon them.
It's time for Fluttershy to start to take her true place in the world.
This story is a sequel to The Death of Tiamat
Over 10,000 Years Before Present: The Cosmic Concept of Fusion is fasicnated by a new species of mortal life she's discovered, and she shows off her new idea for exploring them to her two best friends, Gravity and Dissonance.
YOH 1492 (eight years Before Luna's Return): Sweetie Stork, rural midwife, is flying home from an errand of mercy in the deep Mane woods when she is forced to the ground by a severe snowstorm. She is in desperate need of warmth and shelter. Will she survive? What warm shelter can she find, from the lonely cold and the raging storm?
Alternate Worldline, YOH 1496, three and a half years Before Luna's Return: The fourteen year old Rarity Belle gives birth to her bastard son.
YOH 1497, three years Before Luna's Return: Cheerilee went off to get her higher education at Canterlot, certain that her fine mind and diligence would win her the world. But she found that her small-town naivete marked her out to certain Ponies as a victim, and she was too trusting. Now, she's woken under circumstances that make it obvious to her that she's sinking into the same alcoholism and debauchery that claimed her mother Strawberry and are claiming her sister Berryshine, and that unless she changes her life, she will not have a very happy one.
On the outskirts of the Everfree, interstate trucker Long Haul picks up a strange young woman and gives her a ride across the river.
Very much inspired by Blackmore's Night's "I Guess It Doesn't Matter Any More," a song about a Hitchhiking Cute Ghost Girl; and -- of course -- by Story of the Blanks.
Now with an entry on TVTropes.