• Member Since 13th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 20th, 2021


I'm a long time science fiction and animation fan who stumbled into My Little Pony fandom and got caught -- I guess I'm a Brony Forever now.


Shipping Sunset Shimmer with Sci-Twi · 8:59am Mar 28th, 2021

I. A Tale of Two Shows When I wrote the few pieces of fiction I have set in the Equestria Girls side continuity, I wrote them from the assumption that Sunset Shimmer was heterosexual and passionate (though at first sexually-inexperienced, due to her youth at the time of entering the Humanoid world). Given this, my unfinished prequel (An Equestrian Gentlemare) was chiefly about Sunset Shimmer's love affair with Flash Sentry, in which they stop short of full genital

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Generic Likely Equestrian Future · 1:28pm Jan 11th, 2021

This assumes a vanilla Equestrian future, rather than the specific one of the Shadow Wars Story Verse, though some of the comments apply to my SWSV as well. Generally, the SWSV Equestria advances faster than this, as can be seen by reference to the noted story.


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Rage Review: Resist and Bite (Chapter 17, Part A) · 6:06am Jun 3rd, 2020

Chapter 17: "Alicorn Combat"


(Alicorn fighters appear on either side of the screen with their Health and Power bars)

Sounds like Fightin' Herds to me!

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Rage Review: Resist and BIte (Chapter 16, Part B) · 6:29am May 7th, 2020

Chapter 16: Slavery experience (Part B)

It's the Slavery Experience! Get on board the ship for the onerous Middle Passage! Then get auctioned and sold away from all your friends and loved ones for a hopeless life of servitude!

Wow, that got dark fast.

So Charlie and Sunburst get to their literal slave labor together.

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Rage Review: Resist and Bite (Chapter 16, Part A)` · 4:48am May 5th, 2020

Chapter 16: Slavery Experience (Part A)

Charlie gets 1000 XP and goes up a level! He is now a Level 2 Slave!

Charlie and Luster Dawn were both in the prison cell sleeping on the bed while embracing each other and snoring softly. And the main reason why they were embracing each other was to make sure that they were in each others sight. They do not want to get separated again.

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Rage Review: Resist and Bite (Chapter 15) · 5:50am May 2nd, 2020

Chapter 15: Consulation

Now this could be "consultation" or "consolation." For reasons involving the contents of the chapter, I suspect the latter. Though I am amused at the thought of Charlie Lam becoming a "consul" (diplomatic representative), given his demonstrated total ineptitude at diplomacy.

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Rage Review: Resist and Bite (Chapter 14) · 4:34am Apr 29th, 2020

Chapter 14: Captured

I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict that someone gets captured this chapter!

70cm away from the castle entrance.

That's an interestingly-precise measure. I'm guessing that this is actually a more general statement of distance, closer to saying "two feet" or "two and a half feet" in the Imperial System. Though for all I know, Charlie's using his Safety Goggles as a rangefinder to stand exactly that far from the gate.

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Rage Review: Resist and Bite (Chapter 13, Part C) · 10:37pm Apr 27th, 2020

Chapter 13: Slavery in Canterlot (Part C)

Something-something, Roman captives, medieval serfs, blacks in the Old South. I can't be bothered to come up with any actual slavery jokes any more.

Unknown to all of them, Charlie Lam and Luster Dawn were observing Canterlot while sitting on a tree branch. And the sight traumatized the two of them.

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Rage Review: Resist and Bite (Chapter 13, Part B) · 10:03pm Apr 27th, 2020

Chapter 13: Slavery in Canterlot (Part B)

We return to the construction of the Fairly Large Wall of China ...

Twilight Sparkle was going to walk up the stairs to the top of the large metal walls with six floors made of logs.

... as opposed to the large metal walls with five, or seven floors made of logs ...

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Rage Review: Resist and Bite (Chapter 13, Part A) · 2:39am Apr 26th, 2020

Chapter 13: Slavery in Canterlot (Part A)

TRAILER: Slavery in Canterlot, the new epic by Cecil B. DeMille and Michael Bay! See the thrilling tale of inequine cruelty and steamy passions from the Primal Plains! See a proud and lovely mare reduced to writhing servitude by the lash! See one brave stallion stand up and break his chains to fight for freedom!

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