• Member Since 6th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen February 8th



Out with the old, in the the new. · 3:54am Jan 5th, 2015

So 2014 is over, and 2015 has begun. I hope to change a few things this year.

1. I'd like to get more writing done. *
2. I'd like to get back to making Let's Plays.**
3. I'd like to be around more.***

* I have chapter 2 of Love isn't a Fairytale written, I just need someone to preread and do corrections. Anyone up for it, throw me a PM.

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Report DJ DASH3R · 564 views · Story: Love isn't a fairytale ·
Comments ( 182 )
  • Viewing 178 - 182 of 182

hey dasher. I'm just checking up on all my friends on here.

Dang ... you beat me to her. Meh. 2 insane ponies are better then one. :trollestia:

I'm following you :pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 178 - 182 of 182
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