• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 9th


CvBrony here, you can call me Cv ("cee vee"). My wife poked me hard enough to try the show, and a bit later, here I am. Now with Patreon!

Progress Tracker

Here's the current status of my writings with word counts:

73: 11000
74: 8100
75: 7400
76: 7400
77: 4500
78: 6000
79: 6400

The backlog is thinning, but still there.

Latest Stories


Where I've been... · 9:52am March 4th

It’s getting harder to write with swype (pain-wise) for some reason. I’m thinking of going back to voice, although there’s still the hesitancy I feel due to the pain reaction. Whenever I think of writing, there’s the anticipation of pain, and it makes me procrastinate like no one’s business. Writing with voice isn’t much help because of how fast my voice hurts from it (I really have to enunciate for the software). But, I’m going to keep trying. Hopefully in the near future I can get a new

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Comments ( 121 )
  • Viewing 117 - 121 of 121

i really hope its not dead ... its too good of a story

definitely dead - it's nowhere close to done and hasn't been updated in a year. the author has severe problems preventing him from even typing. best to just come to terms lol

when new chapter? eager to read it

Will we be getting more Rites of Ascension? It's easily one of my favorite stories I've read on here since the website was put up and I check probably several times a month just to see if it's updated yet. <3 you work keep it up :)

Gotcha, so all alicorns past and present were former unicorns?

  • Viewing 117 - 121 of 121
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