• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
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A long-time amateur writer constantly plagued by writer's block.


Chapter 3 Update · 10:59am Dec 23rd, 2017

So there were a few complaints about how I didn’t give enough context in chapter 3. I will admit I was just trying to get the chapter out and was still on the high of writing the fight scene.
So, I’ve re-written the ending for chapter 3, adding more context for why the Yvalt Empire’s at war, at least from their perspective. I’ve also increased the amount of time the war’s been going to give me a little more room for certain things to seem plausible in later chapters.

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Report Riku006 · 349 views · Story: The Kalos Challenge ·
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Thanks for favouriting Flurry in Time! feel free to leave feedback!

Thanks for favoriting Celestia in Excelsis!:twilightsmile:

348691 You're welcome. :twilightsmile:

I thank you for taking the time to read my story. That you would give your time means much, and that you have added it to your favourites list is high compliments that I really don't know how to respond to. Seriously, I grew up with insults, so I have too little practice with the other thing. Um...

*cough* Sorry.

Thank you, truly, for reading.

I had no clue it was up. *rushes off to read right now*

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