• Member Since 8th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen May 17th, 2018


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Whitelighting's blog post 10 · 4:00pm Oct 7th, 2016

Even more good new's i will as be posting a News script for a Special that will be on my YouTube channel when i get a chance, have the time and the proper equipment to that brodcast. I will also be posting a My Little Pony Friendship story that shows what happens after the My little pony show end and the events of Fall of two World's part 1 and 2 and the story of Whitelighting and his Eight Wife's come true and a no-forcen event ocuers and Whitelighting must (No more spoiler's for that story)


Whitelighting's blog post 10 · 4:00pm Oct 7th, 2016

Even more good new's i will as be posting a News script for a Special that will be on my YouTube channel when i get a chance, have the time and the proper equipment to that brodcast. I will also be posting a My Little Pony Friendship story that shows what happens after the My little pony show end and the events of Fall of two World's part 1 and 2 and the story of Whitelighting and his Eight Wife's come true and a no-forcen event ocuers and Whitelighting must (No more spoiler's for that story)


Whitelighting's blog post 10 · 4:00pm Oct 7th, 2016

Even more good new's i will as be posting a News script for a Special that will be on my YouTube channel when i get a chance, have the time and the proper equipment to that brodcast. I will also be posting a My Little Pony Friendship story that shows what happens after the My little pony show end and the events of Fall of two World's part 1 and 2 and the story of Whitelighting and his Eight Wife's come true and a no-forcen event ocuers and Whitelighting must (No more spoiler's for that story)

Whitelighting's Photo Album

Blog Posts

  • 407 weeks
    Whitelighting's blog post 10

    Even more good new's i will as be posting a News script for a Special that will be on my YouTube channel when i get a chance, have the time and the proper equipment to that brodcast. I will also be posting a My Little Pony Friendship story that shows what happens after the My little pony show end and the events of Fall of two World's part 1 and 2 and the story of Whitelighting and his Eight Wife's come true and a no-forcen event ocuers and Whitelighting must (No more spoiler's for that story)

    0 comments · 366 views
  • 407 weeks
    Whitelighting's blog post 9

    Sorry i haven't been posting any blogs lately. Good New's two of my many story's are in the Pre-prodution stage's and will be in the Production stage's As Soon As Possible (ASAP).

    1 comments · 387 views
  • 407 weeks
    Whitelighting's blog post 8

    Thank you to the 15 awesome people following me my story will be ready soon

    0 comments · 332 views
  • 408 weeks
    Whitelighting's blog post 7

    Thank you to the 13 awesome people following me my story will be ready soon

    1 comments · 377 views
  • 408 weeks
    Whitelighting's blog post 6

    0 comments · 364 views
  • 408 weeks
    Whitelighting's blog post 5

    0 comments · 348 views
  • 408 weeks
    Whitelighting's blog post 5

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  • 408 weeks
    Whitelighting's blog post 4

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  • 408 weeks
    Whitelighting's blog post 3

    Yesterday's I watched My little pony frendship is magic Equestria Girls legend of Everfree and my brother emideitly sad that the camp owners where evil and what do you know he was wright.

    0 comments · 337 views
  • 409 weeks
    Whitelighting's blog post 2

    WoW every day now I get new ideas for story :coolphoto::pinkiehappy::trollestia::twilightsheepish::pinkiehappy::heart::heart::heart::heart:

    0 comments · 342 views

Whitelighting's Photo Album

Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28

2407453 I love to follow others and see what great stories or ideas they have :pinkiehappy:

Thanks 4 the watch! :D

p.s. But why ?

Thank you for the watch.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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