• Member Since 18th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 30th, 2016


Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. ~ Charles R. Swindoll

Flying, Flight, And Magic


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Goodbye/Coming Clean · 2:35pm Dec 29th, 2016

I'm sorry that I've lied to you all. I'm not 13+. I'm really 10. My mom doesn't want me on here anymore, but note I may come back on my 13th birthday (Probably soon after if at all) which will be 11-2-19. Best of wishes! Goodbye.

Report Flighter · 407 views ·

About Me

Gender: Male
Personality Type: INFJ
Name: Not Telling
Age: Not Telling
Favorite of Mane 6: Fluttershy
Favorite of Mane 7: Fluttershy
Favorite Pony: Fluttershy
Things I Dislike: Things Scary and Things Mean
Things I Like: Good Foods, Family, MLP, TD, Math, English, History, You Get it, Writing, Drawing, Things

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The Stalkers

Comments ( 46 )
  • Viewing 37 - 46 of 46

I dare you to post a blog

And he left! Nooooooooooooo!
He be back eventually\

2110149 You're very welcome.

Thank you for the follow and loopifying yourself:twilightsmile:

thank you for the follow. I returned the favor. :)

2089981 Cool! I hope I don't let you down!

2089602 I enjoy the stuff you do.

Thanks for the follow! May I ask why?

Hey, thanks so much for the follow!!! :pinkiehappy: It really means a lot to me! :twilightsmile::yay::rainbowkiss: Here, have a potato grown with Irish Love. :heart: (::)

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