• Member Since 19th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen April 2nd

Dimensional Librarian

Storing knowledge and stories slowly churning some out into semi readable works.

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The Objects-Verse


Real Life Struggles. · 5:12pm Jan 19th, 2018

Hey Everyone, I know a lot of you have enjoyed the first few chapters of A Tale Across Two Worlds and other stories I have written. I am sad to say that progress on A Tale Across Two Worlds has slown down a lot due to a job that I got shortly after posting it. This job is keeping me busy for majority of the week and I spend the rest of my time catching up on sleep. I hope to be able to devote a bit more time to writing and can get this story past this build up stage it's in so I can write the

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Comments ( 88 )
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How's it going, dude? It's been a while.

Hey, how's it going? It's been a while.

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Now I have the advantage with an arbitrary seven digit number representing a victorious statistic that is easily factored with a 10!

Curiosity tells me to travel down this rabbit hole.

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