• Member Since 19th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen April 2nd

Dimensional Librarian

Storing knowledge and stories slowly churning some out into semi readable works.


Real Life Struggles. · 5:12pm Jan 19th, 2018

Hey Everyone, I know a lot of you have enjoyed the first few chapters of A Tale Across Two Worlds and other stories I have written. I am sad to say that progress on A Tale Across Two Worlds has slown down a lot due to a job that I got shortly after posting it. This job is keeping me busy for majority of the week and I spend the rest of my time catching up on sleep. I hope to be able to devote a bit more time to writing and can get this story past this build up stage it's in so I can write the

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A slight Drop in Activity · 11:46am May 5th, 2017

Hey everyone I just thought it would be nice to inform all of you that my activity here on FIM is about to dwindle. I've usually been all almost all day every school day but that's only due to my school providing me with a laptop to do school work on as well as some minor freedom upon the internet where I even found FIM in the first place. Anyways with me graduating in a week I must return the school issued machine today. Don't be sad I still have my personal laptop and my phone (Which I'm less

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Life updates · 12:32pm Oct 29th, 2016

Okay So I'm sure some of you have noticed the number of stories that I have on Haitus.

This is simply because I got some writters block on them and then I've lost the time to write as well as not having a personal laptop to easily set aside time, effort, and resorces to finishing up those stories. I hope everyone understands that I still enjoy this site and actually enjoy writting so if you wanna do a crossover of stories or use my characters ever just let me know and I'll work with ya.

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War of the Displaced · 11:38pm Aug 27th, 2016


It's coming to Equestria...


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Summer Vacation · 3:43pm May 13th, 2016

Okay so you guys may have noticed that all of my stories have gone on Haitus. Well this is because i am going to be inactive from FIM for about 3 months during my schools summer vacation. I will spend this time to get out of the writers block that formed around all of my stories and come back full of energy to pump out a bunch of chapters as quickly as I can write them while reading everything that gets updated and I have bookmarked.

Report Dimensional Librarian · 330 views ·

The Hunter and the Dragon · 6:23pm May 9th, 2016

Hey everyone just wanted to let you all know that the Prequel is now out. Please go check it out.

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Born from Displaced Update · 12:20am May 9th, 2016

Hey I just wanted to let everyone know that Born From Displaced is going to go on Haitu while I write its Prequel "The Hunter and the Dragon."

I realize that I didn't plan this out well and was just writing crap like I usually do so without further adue I will be writing the Prequel so as to answer some questions about Scylla's parents.

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Born from Displaced Edit · 2:26pm May 5th, 2016

Hey everyone I just wanted to inform you all about the edit I did to Born From Displaced. I originally had it to where Master Chief and a gender bent Spyro were Scylla's parents but then a friend of mine pointed out, "Why don't you have them be things you know better." after I told him that I know almost nothing about Halo :twilightblush: I didn't have a good answer so I then thought for the past few days since it's been up

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Sympony of Confusion · 3:49pm May 3rd, 2016

I'm marking this as complete because I honestly don't know what else to do for it and the rest of the series is carrying on. Sorry if you wanted more.

Report Dimensional Librarian · 278 views ·

Update for everything · 3:51am Apr 18th, 2016

Alright all you followers and others that may or may not see this *Shrug* I just wanted to let everyone know that the next few days in school are to be stupid busy with the massive end of the year test that show up.

So here is a list of my stories and all of their next chapter amounts.

A Sympony of Confusion - 80 words

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Report Dimensional Librarian · 315 views ·