• Member Since 25th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2018

Just A Random Pegasus

I'm just a random user who writes a lot of different ideas that pop into my strange mind, and ships almost everything imaginable.

Random Things About Me

-I tend to write romance most of the time, but occasionally (rarely) will write another genre such as slice of life.
-I LOVE developing characters, which is probably why I love romance so much. There's plenty of opportunities to develop with all the feelings and emotions involved in romance.
-If it wasn't for this site, I wouldn't be in the fandom anymore for sure. The reason I still am is because people have enjoyed my work, and this site has helped me get better as a writer.
-I also really enjoy writing new ships from time to time to try out new character dynamics.
-I love writing and think of myself as a creative person.
-I plan on being a screenwriter in the future and maybe even publish some original novels (after I get around to working on them haha). Because of this, any and all constructive criticism is greatly appreciated so I can improve with my writing! If there is something you don't like/think can be improved upon, PLEASE don't hesitate to tell me! :pinkiehappy:
-My PMs are always open if anyone needs to vent. Or, really, if any of you just want to talk. I love talking! :heart:
-I may not update as often, for I am focusing on school, and am also working on original works when I have the inspiration.

Me All Day Every Day

Just Remember

Cuteness Overload

Buttons of Things I May or May Not Obsess Over

Pixel Pones

I did not create any of these pixel ponies. All credit goes to their respective owners. The majority are from Botchan-MLP

Latest Stories

Welcome to my Page!

I hope you all enjoy my stories! Feedback and likes are greatly appreciated!

Well, enough of me talking! You can get straight to reading my own stories, or other stories by other people that are really amazing, down below. JARP, out!

Some Random Art Stuff

Comments ( 196 )
  • Viewing 192 - 196 of 196

Hope you're doing well! Happy early Christmas!

Hello, JARP! How have you been doing recently?

Yes!! :pinkiehappy: Hopefully life doesn't cause me to die again lol

way do he have too go life is sad same times

  • Viewing 192 - 196 of 196
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Hmmmmmmmmm · 2:38am Nov 21st, 2018

So I know I said this like a year ago now, but I may finally be coming back to this site to write. Knowing my luck, stuff will get super busy the day after I make this (I joke but I think that's the exact thing that happened last year lmao), but here's to hoping for the better.

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