Welcome! This group is dedicated to those who love to write and those overflowing with ideas!
This group is for those who have an idea for a story but for whatever reason can't write it. Here you can contact people who are more than willing to bring your idea to life.
All I ask is that you follow 2 simple rules:
1. Be Polite: Do not make fun of anyone's idea and remember the people who write the story for you is doing it for you please do not be mean. This is a three strike rule after that you will be banned.
2. Keep Forum PG-13: Requesting clop is fine but do not go into NSFW detail on the forum please pm for that. This is also a three strike rule.
Other than that please have fun and enjoy yourselves. Feel free to start up a thread to put your idea out there for anyone to write. If you are a writer post a thread with what you like to write and anyone can reply to it if they are interested in having you write their idea.
Once the idea is published here on fimfiction you can place it in the group story folder. All stories can go in this folder except for clop this is not a NSFW group. Thank you.
If you have any questions feel free to pm an admin.