• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


I like MLP - my original account was created 25th Oct, 2013

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Blog Posts

  • 67 weeks
    Fan Work for Baldur's Gate 3 in license agreement

    I was reading the license agreement (ok, skimming it) for Baldur's Gate 3 and saw this:

    "6. FAN WORK

    You are permitted to create fan work regarding the Game and/or Service and are free to share them in a non-commercial manner. You will be solely responsible for the fan work you create and make public, and in doing so you will make sure to represent yourself in a truthful manner, and not as an official representative of Larian Studios."

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    0 comments · 119 views
  • 115 weeks
    Things learned from cartoons

    This is just for fun and my curiosity :-)

    Does anyone remember things they learned from cartoons or a message that sticks with you that came from a cartoon? I'm saying cartoons because I'm thinking about what I watched when I was little (80's & 90's), but this can be anything animated (animated movies, Anime, etc.)

    A couple that I remember learning from years ago:

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  • 117 weeks
    Eternal Pun-ishment 3

    [On the EQG side of the mirror]
    [Pinkie] APPLEJACK!
    [Applejack] Aah! Good morning, Pinkie
    [Pinkie] If someone drops their iPhone into a bucket of water...does it make Apple Juice?

    0 comments · 105 views
  • 120 weeks
    Eternal Pun-ishment 2

    :pinkiesmile: Hey, Applejack!
    :ajsmug: Mornin' Pinkie!
    :pinkiesmile: You know what? If you used mesquite to add smoke flavoring to doughnuts that you are making...
    :ajsmug: Yeah?
    :pinkiesmile: ...you could call them Mesquite-O's :pinkiehappy:
    :pinkiehappy: One bite, and you're itching for more!

    1 comments · 121 views
  • 130 weeks
    Whoops, avatar update

    Oops...I just realized that I was still using my holiday hat version of my avatar :twilightblush:
    I changed this to one of my other versions of my avatar

    4 comments · 143 views

Fan Work for Baldur's Gate 3 in license agreement · 2:09pm Aug 26th, 2023

I was reading the license agreement (ok, skimming it) for Baldur's Gate 3 and saw this:


You are permitted to create fan work regarding the Game and/or Service and are free to share them in a non-commercial manner. You will be solely responsible for the fan work you create and make public, and in doing so you will make sure to represent yourself in a truthful manner, and not as an official representative of Larian Studios."

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Comments ( 7 )
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I've been more or less ok :twilightsmile:

I've been listening to music by Antti Martikainen lately that have been pretty good to listen to while working on the computer:
Northern Steel - fantasy metal
Hymn of the High Seas - pirate themed!

Oh! You're the guy who wrote the single greatest clopfic of all time! How ya been, my dude?

It currently states you have 0 stories in your user bar (even though all your stories are there). You might need a mod to fix the total, or maybe it will fix itself when you add a new story.

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