• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 6th, 2023

Striving for Harmony

Just an aspiring bass trombonist trying to make my way.


Trying to find an old story · 1:17am Oct 31st, 2018

As the title says, an old story, possibly from 2011-2012, has surfaced in my memory with just enough details to make me remember the gist but not the title. A quick Google search has failed to produce any recognizable results, so I'm hoping someone here has either heard of the story or can point me to a resource that can help.

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Hanging in there, my dude? 🤓

Well take your time

I've never published stories, and the only other place I use this moniker is on Reddit. You may have seen me in a story's comments section?

I am, however, trying to break the inertia of "should I press that publish button?" So perhaps in the future I'll be able to say yes.

Did you ever have stories? think I might have seen this profile in the past

  • Viewing 26 - 30 of 30
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