• Member Since 19th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen February 6th


I write about small pastel-colored ponies and do bad things to them. Ask me about anything, I love talking about my stories even more than writing them.


Progress Report · 2:17am Aug 2nd, 2023

For those wondering ever since my previous and somewhat ominous post, yes, I have been writing again. Progress is moving along, although unlike when I was in my prime, I have less time to do it each day when I can. The next chapter will be released when it is ready, but also not before I go back and do some minor - MINOR - edits to previous chapters of Pinked. There are certain things I want to make sure are done and said, and some things I want to make sure are done and said a little bit

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Report Littlecolt · 235 views · Story: The Conquering of Love ·
Comments ( 86 )
  • Viewing 82 - 86 of 86

Heh, funny. I have one. I usually link it at the bottom of stories and chapters, and it's linked on my user page. I don't make a big deal of it, though.

Also, I get paid by the word, not by the month. I did that because I didn't want anyone paying out to me if I had a month where I did nothing.

Which has happened a lot. Sigh.

2182288 Look, don't half-ass it. But if money's a problem, maybe consider a patreon? There are a lot of people who'd pay to help you get back into writing.

  • Viewing 82 - 86 of 86
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