• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 29th, 2018

Violently Irrelevant

I write fics, I do talky-talk readings of fics. Find them on YouTube.

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Halloween '16 Requests, Make Yours Today! · 3:02pm Oct 4th, 2016

Looking for horror-themed stories for Halloween.

Feel free to make me take a look at something and possibly record it to audio!

Report Violently Irrelevant · 451 views ·
Comments ( 51 )
  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51

VI, Are you ALIVE, man? Your video is My Youth and Adolescence. You took me from being A pre-Adolescent/Man-Child to being an Adolescent or Wakashu.

Rest in spaghetti, never forgetti

Hey VI how have ga been haven't heard from u in quite some time. Hope everything is alright.

Stop being so damn cool, you wanker! Much appreciated.

p.s. Please never stop reading

Surprising, isn't it.
I'm just a guy on the internet, I try to reply to as much stuff as possible.
Have a good one and stay awesome.

  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51
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