• Member Since 13th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen June 11th


Likes Ponies, Ninja Turtles, Batman, Regular Show, Gravity Falls, Green Day and writing. That's about it.


When Zombies eat, where does it all go? · 4:43pm Apr 24th, 2014

I'd really like to know. Seriously, I mean do they poop themselves or something? HOW DOES IT WORK?! Does it, like go to another dimension filled with other zombies that eat what the first one ate? Is it like a never ending cycle or something?

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Thanks for the favorites on my Sunset and Pinkie series.

Thank you for the fave.

Thanks for favoriting "Equestria: Civil War". Glad you're enjoying it! :pinkiehappy:

And thanks for favoriting "One More Dance", too! :pinkiesmile:

Thanks for the watch, my friend! Glad to have you aboard. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for faving "A Shimmering New Year"!

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