• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen June 7th

Gyro Steambass

Heya! I'm a Dutch guy with a weird sense of humor who sometimes writes stuff.


My 100th Follower! · 10:43pm May 24th, 2014

That's right! A hundred followers! My 100th being a lovely and gorgeous person named ShadowArcurus! Thanks man/girl/hermaphrodite (I forgot to ask which of these you are...). And even though this doesn't seem like much and it probably isn't much at all... Fuck if I care! PARTY TIME!

Report Gyro Steambass · 637 views ·

My latest stories! YAAAAAAAAAAY!

Comments ( 215 )
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Hello,Gyro Steambass:
My name is Dawnriel Resplendent and I am a Chinese Brony.
I love Thought I'd Let You Know by 4everybrony.And when other bronies told me that you writed the story with same name.I was very surprised. So I read your story. To be honest, i love it.
I want to translate and spread it in Chinese Brony website:Fimtale.And I'll indicate cours. I hope you can allow my idea.
Thank you.


Ps:I am a Chinese.So There may be grammatical errors in this letter.I'm sorry about it.

Comment posted by Dawnriel deleted Feb 17th, 2021

Oh wow, I didn't even notice that you got back into writing.

You're welcome, and I did!


Thanks for reading "All That Remains." Don't forget to drop it a like if you haven't already. :scootangel:

  • Viewing 211 - 215 of 215
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