• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2016



long update excuse · 1:57am Jan 29th, 2013

I am sorry for my long update on both of my stories but it is hard to type with two broken arms. I got hit by a car and broke both of my arms and a couple of ribs. the doctor said that it was a miracle that I didn't suffer any internal damage. Now one of my arms is half recovered but its still very hard to type with these damn plasters. I hope you guys/girls will understand.

Your friend Psycoluv.

Report doomboom1234 · 566 views ·
Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

well since you put it that way I can understand why you can't update. sorry about your fucked up arms and ribs get better soon although this comment is probably quite a bit late( as in are you serious?:ajbemused: late) but get better anyway:twilightsmile:

299002 becouse I got hit by a car and broke both of my arms:twilightsheepish: can barely type:twilightblush:

166040 Y U NO UPDATE FLALL TO EQUESTRIA :flutterrage:

165237 soon my friend!:twilightsmile: very soon!

  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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