• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen February 11th



Might be gone for a while · 8:24pm Dec 23rd, 2014

Hey my fellow followers, I'm sorry to say this, but all my stories just might be on hiatus for a short to a long period of time, sorry for all the disappointment on this, even though I'm sure none of you really care anymore. Its just I have a lot of stuff on my mind. School, the small bits and pieces of depression still on my mind, and counseling I go to almost twice a month. I'll leave the stories incomplete, I don't think I'll put them on hiatus, I'll just leave them as they are. Anyway, it

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Thank you for faving Of Heaven and Earth.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for faving The Guardian :yay:

Thanks for the fav, what did you like about AoD?

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