• Member Since 1st Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen June 3rd


I am just a simple guy, creating stories for the fun of it.

Latest Stories


New Story, This Sunday! · 10:27pm Nov 13th, 2019

Hello everybody, I have great news!

This Sunday I'll been finishing my first story in over 2 years. I have mulled a few ideas around my head for awhile now and I'll be finally completing them come Sunday. I hope you all will enjoy it thoroughly because I'm really proud of it.

Report HopeForTheFew · 281 views ·

Upcoming Stories

These first stories are ones that are on the top of my list to finish.

1. The Abominable Human

2. To Mars And Back (In Progress)

3. I Take My Stand

4. A Man And His Guitar

5. Song

6. "The No More Room" (In progress)

These next stories maybe completed or may not be, depends on how I feel about them.

1. The Gentle Giant

2. The Yearning

3. The Lost Cabin

4. A Smile In The Sunshine

5. Mockingbird (Completed)

6. Stand By Me

7. Hallelujah

8. The Burning City Of Humanity

9. I'll See You In A Little While

10. It's Good To Be Free

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