• Member Since 14th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen July 11th


All shall know me as Vlad-Daddy.


It Never Really Ends Adopted · 6:29am Jun 29th, 2020

Hey folks. I said I wouldn't delete It Never Really Ends for the sake of posterity and those who enjoy it. However, a user named Nightmare Bonnie has decided to adopt the story and continue it on in my stead! Please go show them some love.


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Comments ( 117 )
  • Viewing 113 - 117 of 117

I usually say something along the lines of, "I hope you're doing well wherever you may be."

For me, as a mourner, I post this if they haven't logged in for more than 4 to 5 years

I declare this writer dead, may he/she find his way to a peaceful place where he/she rests...

I recommend you do this as well, to let others know that the stories will have no end.

"Last Seen June 13th"
Oh good, he's alive.

Hey Vlad, I wanna let you know that you made my favorite story on this site, and that you inspired me to write. I hope one day you come back, but I overall hope that you are okay. Thank you!

  • Viewing 113 - 117 of 117
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