• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
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Story ideas. · 12:39am Sep 28th, 2018

Ok, so I’ve been having trouble thinking of a story to write for a while now, especially with working and trying to become a game creator. So I got three story ideas:

1). A story about my Exo from Destiny ((was inspired to make it by The Storm Queen, which is a nice fanfic so I recommend it.))

2). A JoJo fanfic using mine and orher fan created stands.

And finally 3). A story where the character becomes Ego, kinda.

Please let me know which ones you may be interested in.

Report BronyGamer · 232 views ·
Comments ( 134 )
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Thanks for adding my story to your favorites

Thanks for adding my story to your favorites

Hello there.

Thank you for adding my story, Fallen Knights, to your favorites. I hope you continue to enjoy the story, and may the force be with you. Always. :eeyup:

Thanks for favoriting my silly vampire story.

  • Viewing 130 - 134 of 134
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