• Member Since 26th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen July 18th


You now face godlike judgement. May it extend eternally.


A New Project Announcement · 11:24am Oct 13th, 2021

Good morning, everyone.

I have been working on a new story as of late, which may or may not release relatively soon*. If you enjoyed Rest In Peace, you may also like this new project.

The new story I'm working on is an alternate timeline of Rest In Peace, focusing on how first contact between a Guardian and ponies would go if it were one of my other Guardians that got displaced instead of Luna. I'll provide further details when I'm closer to actually releasing it.

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Report GjallarFox · 195 views ·

What I've been up to.


A Reintroduction · 11:12pm Jan 24th, 2020

Hello to all of my followers, new and old. It's been a long time since I've been active here. Then I saw Bats' blog about coming back (and bravely coming out) and I figure now is as good a time as any for me to do the same.

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Report GjallarFox · 335 views ·
Comments ( 49 )
  • Viewing 45 - 49 of 49

Will you update Light of Harmony soon?

Thank you very much, friend. It means a lot to me.

<3 DarqFox

I just found you recently and I have to say that, even though it didn't make me cry, or even very sad for that matter, I realy liked your poetry and am glad to see that you're still active.

  • Viewing 45 - 49 of 49
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