• Member Since 11th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


I hate talking about myself. I always either feel like I'm being too modest or I'm bragging. There's no way to win!


I've made an amazing discovery! · 5:52am Mar 21st, 2013

We have user IDs. I did not know we had user IDs. Like, it's just a number displayed next to your avatar on your account page. What does it DO?! I feel like something needs to be done with them. Maybe someone can come up with some sort of chart where each digit of the ID corresponds to a piece of information that's different depending on which number is at that digit. Like those name things, where if the first letter of your first name is J, your new first name will be Aardvark, but if it's L,

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Report toastman · 411 views ·

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I've made an amazing discovery! · 5:52am Mar 21st, 2013

We have user IDs. I did not know we had user IDs. Like, it's just a number displayed next to your avatar on your account page. What does it DO?! I feel like something needs to be done with them. Maybe someone can come up with some sort of chart where each digit of the ID corresponds to a piece of information that's different depending on which number is at that digit. Like those name things, where if the first letter of your first name is J, your new first name will be Aardvark, but if it's L,

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Report toastman · 411 views ·