• Member Since 28th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 11th, 2020


Proficient writer at a technical level. Lover of world-building. Always striving to improve.


Signal boost. The Elephant in the Equine Room · 1:59am Jan 1st, 2018

Bad business and unpleasant events.

I know that few people read my blogs, but every signal boost helps.

I have never, to my knowledge, met another brony in real life. I have not visited any conventions. All I know is that the community is generally friendly and this sort of thing should be known so people can work together to fix the problem.

Report Zocarik · 329 views ·

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Standing Request

I want to improve. If anyone can offer constructive criticism (such as pointing out better word choice or sentence structure) I will be grateful. Here is a preemptive thank-you to all future constructive criticism.

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Comments ( 96 )
  • Viewing 92 - 96 of 96

Hey there, thanks for the fav on "Every Five Hundred Years." I appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav!

Hiya, thanks for the fave :twilightsmile:

Nice to see lots of Wonderbolts stories on that list and some Chrysalis ones too :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the favorite!:pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the fave on "Roaring and Screaming". Glad you enjoyed it! :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 92 - 96 of 96
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