• Member Since 24th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen July 15th

Captain Absolution

Hello, hello! Names Captain Absolution, but I'm also known by many names. Nightmare, Midnight Dreams, Midnight Clover,Taix, Fang, Terror and Patchwork.

Comments ( 176 )
  • Viewing 172 - 176 of 176

Thanks for the favorite on A Pup Named Fenrir!

Thanks for adding The Ghost of Cozy Glow the Second Story and The Ghost of Cozy Glow the Third Story to your favorites! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for adding OMAI: Empire of Storms to your favourites! Glad you're enjoying it!

Thankyou for adding The Ghost of Cozy Glow- A Redux and The Ghost of Cozy Glow to your favorites! :pinkiehappy:

insomuch as I am always grateful for those who read my content, I am equally always grateful - AND GLAD! - for those who find my work to be good enough to label as a Favorite.

Thank you ever so kindly, I am ever your humble servant, and one is glad to be of service. *bows*

  • Viewing 172 - 176 of 176
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