• Member Since 16th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I also write stories at http://forum.spacebattles.com

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Anon and why I hate it. · 7:36pm April 10th

Let me just go on a little rant here.

I hate Anon. Seriously, just make up a name. ANY name.

Literally any name.


I'm sure there are perfectly good stories out there, but Anon instantly ruins them, takes the reader instantly out of the story. It shows a complete laziness and unwillingness to put any effort in whatsoever and completely ruins the illusion. And it's infesting this site like a cancer.

Just... anything. Please. Bob. Dave.

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Report Hiver · 1,617 views ·
Comments ( 234 )
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Wow, you have 2,725 followers!

(Clicks "Follow.")

Wow, you have 2,726 followers!


I estimate threeish weeks or so. Four at the max.

Looking forward to the coming story, hope by on the blog posted suggestions might inspire some fun :pinkiesmile:

Any estimation when i can call the readers to your story for some comment section fun? :pinkiehappy:

Just briefly stopping by to say thanks for all the awesome stories :)

Comment posted by CharonX deleted February 1st
  • Viewing 230 - 234 of 234
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