• Member Since 29th Nov, 2011
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Hey, thanks a ton for the fave on 'Twilight the Tyrant'!

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[no title] · 6:40pm Dec 28th, 2013

With new years week coming up, i probably will not be able to post a new chapter this week. There is an old Fillydelphea tradition called the Mummers Parade. And yes, I am a Mummer. (not a dancer, I build floats and push them arround, a marshal) so until newyears, be sort of living in the philly convention centet setting things up. talk about sacrifices to the arts, I had to miss todays episode.

Report cosmofur · 529 views ·

[no title] · 6:40pm Dec 28th, 2013

With new years week coming up, i probably will not be able to post a new chapter this week. There is an old Fillydelphea tradition called the Mummers Parade. And yes, I am a Mummer. (not a dancer, I build floats and push them arround, a marshal) so until newyears, be sort of living in the philly convention centet setting things up. talk about sacrifices to the arts, I had to miss todays episode.

Report cosmofur · 529 views ·

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