Five Score, Multiplied By More 1,242 members · 80 stories

A group to help organize all the side fics and other projects associated with Five Score, Divided by Four

The way I wrote Five Score was to only mention what happened to the mane six, but people are asking me what happened to all the hundreds of background ponies. Well, that’s where you guys come in. Anyone is free to write a side fic telling the story of what happened to some side characters or to your OC. The journey from normal human, to finding out you're a pony from the show can be a long, strange story to share. If you're up for the task and decide to write a little something something that fits inside the Five Score universe, well then let us know and post it here. Also, feel free to use the forum to organize thoughts and get an idea for what characters still need their story told.

Anyone is free to write! Here are some guidelines if you want to make the story fit in the universe better.
1) The setting of the story should take place on, or after May 1st, 2020 (the starting date in Five Score.)
2) The humans should be on their 25th birthday when they start to change
3) The transformation should be a gradual one, not instantaneous.
4) This one is really optional, but you may want to have the transformation order may follow the same basic timeline as the original story. I made a Google Doc here that lists the sequence of events.

That's it, the rest is up to you! Let's see how many characters we can cover between all these fics.

For more information, don't hesitate to check out our FAQ!

Comments ( 305 )
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Hello Chicken Waffle! Not exactly but feel free to message me on Discord about this at : )

Did a Discord ever get made? Am currently plotting my own Five Score spinoff and would love to have a comprehensive guide to this stuff! Of course, I have the original to go off of if I'm meticulous enough, but it's nice sharing knowledge with other like-minded folks!

We definitely should. A place to chat, swop ideas and theories, have fun, and oo-ordinate crossovers? We need it!

Also, some sort of graph clearly outlining who knows who, and what happens when? Yes please!

We don't actually. But we have a few very knowledgeable ponies who lurk the forums, as inactive as those look. I went ahead and dumped some information into a new thread there!

I feel like the crossover list doesn't do justice for how much of a web of connections and potential connections one has in this little shared universe! :heart: I've been meaning to make a visual aid to show how lots of stories connection in little 'sub-verses' ("The Dustverse", "The Hornverse")! One of these days!

Maybe if we become more active a Discord would be a good idea.

Does the 5 Score Community have a Discord server?🤔
I think it'd be handy.

Nice, thank you so much! I wouldn't get too excited about the story as not only am I a slow writer (and not the best) but I'm incredibly busy in real life, but I will definitely work on it


Hi! It's always nice to hear about new story projects! :twilightsmile:

There was indeed a ban on Five Score stories back in the day (as in, around 2013/2014), but it was then amended to be conditional, and now it's not enforced anymore – so only the usual Fimfiction rules currently apply. For example, the story needs to be clearly related to the MLP/EqG universe. If you're planning on using Sunset Shimmer, I think you'd be in the clear here!

Greetings fellow Five Score enthusiasts. I've been a big fan of the series since I first read it around 2015-2016, now all these years later I've considered writing my own regarding the life of Sunset Shimmer. I need to read the story once again to remember every canon detail but I digress.

The main reason of this is to ask about the ban on five score stories. I remember reading about one once but I'm incredibly foggy on the details. Is it still not allowed to post these such stories? Thanks in advance :twilightsheepish:

My fic not the original XD

Planned? In the original fic? That's not in the original fic. The events of the TV show happened in Equestria over 25 years before the events of the fanfic, yes, but they did not happen when the episodes themselves were aired. The episodes are a retelling of the events that happened so many years ago, sourced from Twilight's memory. Unless you're talking about something else.

Five Score Divided By Four starts in the year 2020 or 2024 depending on which version you read. That's in the second paragraph of the first chapter. Friendship is Magic began airing in 2010 and ended in either 2015 or 2019 in the story, again depending on which version you read. I'm not sure how you're getting twenty-five years.

If you mean in your story, then that's fine. I'm confused because it sounds like you're correcting me.

The changing on 25 years after show was planned actually.


if that's possible as I don't want to age changing.

Really, a fanfic writer sort of has the freedom to write whatever they'd like! I just hope they like it, it makes sense to them and they're happy with the constraints they give themselves.

If you consider your story Five Score with some deviation from the guidelines instead of just inspired by Five Score, I'd say it belongs here! The guidelines are guidelines, not rules!

So that you don't get too many comments about your story deviating from the guidelines (which does have story-changing implications), I'd suggest you mention somewhere in your story's long description how it deviates. For example: "A Five Score story where people are changing twenty-five years after the show aired".

Based on that, I'm curious how your story idea would play out? Because once the source of the change is revealed, that means your story would have to be go in a different direction or offer a different explanation probably. The "turning into pony characters on your 25th birthday" is a hint at the true origin of the change, you know?

my story is about me and my 4 closest friends all changing at the same on Gen-4's 25 anniversary if that's possible as I don't want to age changing.

The original premise has all changes occurring on their 25th Birthday, as is defined by the curse. The Anniversary thing (See Dust in the Wind for...bending...those rules) perhaps could fit, but the main story is all about it being on the 25th birthday if you want to follow the same story. So long as its a part of the universe where 5/score exists its generally given a pass.

There’s 2 options must be 25 or it can happen on the 25th anniversary of something. I believe

Okie dokie.
Thanks for clearing that up. I got a little confused.

Now this is quite a difficult question. In the original series Anthro isn't something mentioned or detailed. Equestria Girls, though canon, is fairly vague as to the events only specifying that they mostly appeared human.

That being said we have discussed this with the other moderators (Alsey, Hyreia, and I) and referred back to the original rules.
1) The setting of the story should take place on, or after May 1st, 2020 (the starting date in Five Score).
2) The humans should be on their 25th birthday when they start to change
3) The transformation should be a gradual one, not instantaneous.
4) This one is really optional, but you may want to have the transformation order may follow the same basic timeline as the original story. I made a Google Doc here that lists the sequence of events.

Therefore, we have come to the conclusion that it couldn't be denied on the premise of the characters being anthro, especially as fitting directly within the canon universe is conflicted even among the more standard fics published in this group.

Our conclusion is yes, it is allowed. All we ask is that it meets the rules as stated and makes some attempt to fit within the existing 5 score universe.

Its great! Read it!

Just a small question.
Can anthro transformations count in this group?

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