• Member Since 15th Mar, 2012
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For Equestria!


Wasn't There Supposed To Be A New Chapter? · 2:04am Sep 12th, 2022

I haven't forgot! I have a functionally finished chapter with most of the necessary polish. Just getting some extra special help to make this as good as it can be! You're in for a real treat!

In the meantime, I'm working on the Final Chapter and Epilogue now! You can expect a lot of One For The Road this month I think; when it rains, it pours!

For all of you waiting until this is finished: the time is close at hoof!

About Box

My name is Cloud Range! I like ponies of all generations and kinds, body horror, ponies, transformation, ponies, and hugs, and pony conventions!

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Comments ( 40 )
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nea #40 · May 29th · · ·

i think you're SOOOO awesome

Comment posted by Daybreaker218 deleted April 24th

I'm honored and excited to hear that!

Heyo! So nice to see people keeping the 5sd4 spirit alive. Your Berry Punch story was f:raritydespair:cking phenomenal! A true love letter to the fic universe! It's also inspired me to get off my lazy butt and make a fimfiction account so I can write my own spinoff.

Cheers! Keep on keeping on!

Comment posted by WindSprinter deleted January 17th
  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40
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