I'm actually puttting something on (virtual) paper · 6:33am Jul 9th, 2023
I have about 7 concepts that I have been throwing around in my head. Unfortunatly, I'm a huge procratinator, and I've been milling these stories in my mind for about seven years.
Who Opaleen is (which is being destroyed chapter four - oh, well; this wasn't even head canon, so I'll still get to writing this at some point)
The Prodigle Pony - Sunset's return to Equestria (which was destroyed by "Forgotten Friendship", which I still think is the best Equestria Girls special)
Thanks for following!
I hope you had great holiday, and looking forward to 2021. You are doing great, and I wait for your next chapter.
Thank you for the kind comment on my story!
I'm replying here because I've been told replying in my own comments too much messes with the metrics. But I can't help replying, I'm so happy others are enjoying reading this! I was scared others wouldn't like it.
If you're curious about the missing show bible, I absolutely recommend rereading the main fic this is based on. It's fun. Twilight's part starts on the chapter "Here We Go Again"
I'm excited to write more and I hope you're interested in reading more! There's probably going to be two more chapters coming out this week!
And thank you for the follow!