• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I am the Knackerman. Most of my writing deals with horror, suspense, and tragedy. And yes, there will be gore.


Proof Reader/Editor Needed · 12:13pm March 15th

Would anyone be interested in proof reading and editing some of my stories?

I’m really tired of all of the ‘it’s an interesting story but all these grammatical errors!’ comments.

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Comments ( 283 )
  • Viewing 279 - 283 of 283

I've never read either TBH, I was just stating facts. I think I'm gonna read Rabbit Doubt before I start reading your fic to get context behind it.

I've read Judge. It was okay, but not as good as Doubt imo.

You know that guy who made the rabbit game also made a stroy called judge if you ever wanted to a sequel to your pony rabbit game


The Order you should read the Something Sweet to Bite series in is probably the order in which the stories were published - Although you might get more out of the two orequels if you read those together. So I’d suggest the following:

1.) Something Sweet to Bite
2.) Something Sweet to Bite Too
3.) Home Sweet Home: A Candy Mare Tale
4.) The Most Horrible Hearth’s Warming Ever!
5.) The Last Something Sweet To Bite
6.) Something Sweet Bites Back
7.) Something Sweet to Bite: Curse of the Candy Cult
8.) Something Sweet to Bite: Candy Mare Goes to Hell
9.) Something Sweet to Bite: A New Generation

Hey Knackerman love the amazing work you have done just wanted to ask in what order should I read or watch the Candy Mare series?

love your work please keep it up

  • Viewing 279 - 283 of 283
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