• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Author and dramatic reader from YouTube. All your pony are belong to us.


British bod who has too much fun with fandom. To most I'm Scribbler (obabscribbler being my screen-name when my actual name has already been taken). I'm a fan of satirical comedy, reading whatever I can get my mitts on and creating fandom content.

Have at thee, fandom!


Comments ( 512 )
  • Viewing 508 - 512 of 512

Hello scribbler . I want to thank you for your hard work in the story's. I'm not gana lie, I was not fond of anything mlp until I said F it I'll try one and just as I said that I put in mlp audio dramas and I found your page at that time . I look threw your page and one creepy thumbnail caught me . And my first mlp audio was " a puppet to her fame " I bench all of it and I was so surprised in the voice acting and of course the story . I loved it so much I was hook instantly. So I want to thank you again for your good story's . Open up my mind to more audio dramas

Hi, Scribber!
So I know that you probably don't take requests often or at all but....f**k it...
I have been wanting a reading of this story for a while now and it would make me happy if you did...
Now, if you don't want to or your too busy right now, that is fine, thanks for understanding!!

One of your fans
Starfire Diamond :pinkiehappy:

i like your story you so many of them

I’m curious if you’re going to do a reading of “For Goodness Sake” it is completed and is by the same author of Apple Valley and A Heartswarming tale. I very much enjoyed both stories! You and the others did an amazing job on both, the author is just as amazing in their storytelling. ^_^ happy Christmas and any other holiday!

  • Viewing 508 - 512 of 512
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