Regarding Technological Difficulties · 12:10am Jan 4th, 2014
Okay, I admit it.
I've been super lazy as of late and the last chapter of this story was posted around last year during July. Truth is, writing has felt more like a chore than fun lately. BUT I made myself a promise to return to my stories (this one in particular) and get off my ass.
But here's something I wish to ask all of you: what are your opinions on the story so far?
Thanks for the favorite on The Daily News!
I have update The Creature Hub group description, if you want to check it out
A new group dedicated to glorious Communism has come. Spread the word and join our herd
Thanks for joining The Creature Hub group. Since you did that. I will follow you. HAVE A GOOD LIFE
1383175 Your comment-driven story, of course! It's rare that I find one that catches my attention (that, and the fact that changelings are my favourite antagonist characters!)