• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 17th, 2023


Brony and fanfic writer. Part time college instructor, full time grad student

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Is This Thing Still On? · 7:26pm May 11th, 2015

Hey everyone,

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Report Rabuiods · 525 views · Story: The Superific Spider-Mare ·
Comments ( 960 )
  • Viewing 956 - 960 of 960

It's weird being back here. My guy, I hope you are doing well.

Comment posted by Fattymagee1 deleted Oct 22nd, 2020


I've thought about it, but I've been super busy. I'm graduating and applying to grad school, plus I'm going to start teaching soon.

If I get time, I might pick it back up again. Thanks for caring though! :D

Was wondering why not write as if Twi never became a princess and just use the alt universe tag.

  • Viewing 956 - 960 of 960
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