Inexperienced, yet talented, writer.
Famous Quote: "Answer to Life: Love, Friends, 42."
Age: 18
Species: Human (sadly)
Interests: Horror Movies, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Borderlands, Homestuck, Doctor Who, writing, and MLP FiM.
Favorite Pony: Twilight Sparkle because she remines me of, well, me.
Favorite Background Ponies: Lyra Heartstrings, Vinyl Scratch, Ditzy Doo, then Doctor Whooves.
Favorite Princess: Luna
Favorite Bands (Non-Brony): 30 Seconds to Mars, Green Day, The All-American Rejects, My Chemical Romance, Relient K, and Lemon Demon
Favorite Brony Artists: woodentoaster, Alex S, lulz, Mic the Microphone, livivgtombstone
Brony Since: June 2012
XBox Live GamerTag: DeltaSpark01
Favorite Song:
It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
PLUS GOD BLESS. God loves you, now and forever.
Is your story ever going to be continued?
Thanks so much for the watch! :D
as do i. but i guess i choose Karkat because he has a complex character. his development has only deepened as the story has continued,,,