• Member Since 11th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 2nd, 2015



Inactivity, Hiatus, and the future · 1:22am Apr 9th, 2014

So, a friend of mine directed me back here, saying people were still commenting on some of my stories.

Lo and behold, they were right.

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Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

I declare this writer AFK, may he find his way to a peaceful plane where he rests...

I'm sorry for what you went through in life, but please, continue you're stories, I want to see what happens. PLEASE!


Nuff said.

P.S. i truly hope your life is still heading in the direction it was going when you generously shared with us.
:heart: + support all the way

Glad your life is going better than it was, to bad no more updates. Did you ever considered putting your stories up for adoption?

957726 He isn't dead. Check out his brand spankin' new blog post to see what he has been up to.

Sadly looks like no updates are in sight for a long while.

  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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