• Member Since 27th Aug, 2012
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OH. MY GOD. · 6:01am Dec 16th, 2018

Look what IIIIIIII fooooooooooooooound. https://www.castingcall.club/projects/bros-in-equestria-fim

Good luck to the team behind this, I can't wait to see what comes of it!

Everyone give them some love to see what happens!

Report Mandroid · 509 views · Story: Bros in Equestria ·

Trivial ass drippings

Comments ( 73 )
  • Viewing 69 - 73 of 73

Well, glad you got a lot of mileage out of it. Frankly I'm surprised that you even found that piece of art, I'm not exactly a well-known artist. Not to mention, I haven't drawn any pony fanart in years.
Did you get it from one of the Artist Training Ground wrap-ups years ago or from DeviantArt? Those are the only places I recall posting it.

In unrelated words, I've enjoyed your story, it's pretty cute.

Oh, really? Well hello new artists friend. Yeah, I picked the picture years ago when I was posting a Celestia story as well as playing up how much of a dickhead I was and I haven't had the heart to change it.

Wow, I am a bit shocked. I was just checking out your story, when I noticed that your avatar is a picture I had drawn! I'm very flattered that you liked it that much! It's a very old drawing, but I am still fond of it.

For a while I toyed with the idea of naming their house "y".

Can you please tell me how I am just now realizing Anon & Mous is just Anonymous. Figured it out because I was in Russia where 'y' means 'and', so Anon y Mous is Anon and Mous. But why did it take me friggin years to figure out something so obvious?!

  • Viewing 69 - 73 of 73
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