• Member Since 18th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 11th, 2014


Hello my name is AlexAge - 20I got into the series through friends in College and I haven't turned back sinceI'm a reader; NOT a writerI'm a gamer


Just look at this · 10:15am Apr 5th, 2014

This is preview clip from the upcoming episode later today...

Report FlyingEagle93 · 447 views ·
Comments ( 64 )
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ATTENTION: I have moved to a different account on FimFiction because I forgot my password and tried for weeks to get it changed and got no email back (yes I checked my spam folder). This account is no longer active go to my new one.

Thanks for the watch. Have a :moustache:

Thanks for faving "TCB: Setting Things Right"!

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