• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 17th, 2023


wtf are u doin here, get off my board normies reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Kuudere coating got an audio reading · 10:29am Dec 4th, 2017

And a surprise one at that, just stumbled on it completely at random (it's a month old and got a whopping 5k views(no but why)) thanks to youtube algorithms.

CLICK ME and it's read by Violently Irrelevant

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Report Locky · 399 views ·

Latest Stories

My stance on people using my content.

Okay, I'll just post this here because I've had several people (by that I mean 3) pm'ing me to ask for permission to do youtube videos using my 'stories'. And I didn't expect audio readings were this 'common', I guess.
So, yes. You guys are 100% free to do whatever the hell you want with my stories.
Whether it is readings, reviews, drawings, parodies, memes, I don't know, whatever the hell you want, you don't have to ask me for permission.
And that goes both ways, if I ever write something so bad and [triggering] that you feel the urge to shit on me in a 45 minutes long video, go ahead.
Simply add me to the credits and send me a link when it's over.

Comments ( 33 )
  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33

Honestly the humor mixed with the whole "a small ass colorful purple pony with demigod powers is my wife/marefriend" is all I need to live a happy life. These stories are funny asf

Hey Locky? You done writing stories? Because I'll be honest I really liked a lot of them and it's a shame to see you just stop. Idk just wondering

Thanks for the fave!:yay:

Well, I couldn't quite jack off to it, and I liked it because it was silly/funny and I'm WAY too lazy to make another folder
So 'safe' will have to do

... Why 'SAFE'?

  • Viewing 29 - 33 of 33
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