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🐮+🔪 = CowChop
Thank you so much for the follow, I really appreciate it.
Thanks for following me bb
Thank you so much for your interest in my new story 'Stalker'! ^3^
...Even thought you kind of already proofread it before, but there's a lot more to it if you decide to read it again :3

Things are pretty quiet.
Do you ever get that feeling someone is watching you?
Thanks for the follow.
Thank you for the watch, and the favorite on Legend.
1712134 It never dies
It's starting to die out?
The doges?
Pass this around
1505651 to be honest. Black ops 2 suck In my opinion. I didn't really enjoy it. Ghosts has a better story to me

Not Black Ops II?
Because that's the most customizable Call Of Duty game I know, and it includes things made by the community.
And it has zombies!
AW has survival, like the ones in the Modern Warfare series, which I'm not so great at.
1504997 i got advance warfare, 2 hours ago and its amazing. I haven't beat the campaing yet but im getting to it and i knew there were laser guns when i saw the trailer, a couple of weeks ago. But still Ghosts is the best (so far)
I see that theres even a lazer gun in AW!
Buuuuut Halo 5: Guardians has my attention right now, because Spartans.
And a new main character!
And the big robotic enemies that looks fun to battle.
1501045 To be honest. Nothen, I barley get homework. I been playing a lot of call of duty ghosts as you can tell. I'm going to get Advance Warfare soon

How's it goin? Boring?
Because homework sucks, and Ive got a big one.
well played
And I am wearing a Ghostly Gibus!
So I'm a ghost too!