• Member Since 30th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2016


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Just Who I Am · 3:43am Apr 26th, 2014

My name/alias is Joseph B. Whitney.

I'm a twenty year old gamer who, most of the day, sits on his damn happy ass all day, simply wondering "what should I do for the day?" It usually comes down to playing some video games or writing for my many stories that I could never hope of finishing.

You should know something before you start reading any of my stories by the by, finished or unfinished. I am not the best writer ever nor am I somebody you can rely on for a chapter everyday.

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Report JoeBobWhitney · 448 views ·
Comments ( 6 )
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I really liked where you were going with some of your stories. Especially your Skyrim and SoulCalibur ones. I really hope we see your stories polished up sometime in the near future.

Comment posted by JoeBobWhitney deleted May 2nd, 2015

788549 Xbox 360. Although, I own a PS3, I don't use it that much, I just use it for PS3 only games. Like inFamous, Heavy Rain or even Terraria, for that matter.

I see you are a heavy gamer. So, Xbox 360 or Ps3?

604090 No problem, mate. Love the story!

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Just Who I Am · 3:43am Apr 26th, 2014

My name/alias is Joseph B. Whitney.

I'm a twenty year old gamer who, most of the day, sits on his damn happy ass all day, simply wondering "what should I do for the day?" It usually comes down to playing some video games or writing for my many stories that I could never hope of finishing.

You should know something before you start reading any of my stories by the by, finished or unfinished. I am not the best writer ever nor am I somebody you can rely on for a chapter everyday.

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Report JoeBobWhitney · 448 views ·