• Member Since 26th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 2nd, 2016

Showmare Trixie

"If I desire to possess everything, does that not make everything mine by right?"

Personality and Internets!

Full personality description:

You have a knack for drama and over-exaggerating things, as well as doing whatever you can to keep from getting your hooves dirty. But, putting that aside, you're also very self-conscious about yourself, are generally very polite (unless someone deserves a little of your attitude), and have impeccable manners and sense of style.

Just because you delight in being the center of everyone's attention doesn't mean you give no attention in turn. You're incredibly generous, showering your friends with gifts, spending time with them and doing fun things like shopping and makeovers, and doing everything in your power to help elevate your friends' self-worth. Even though a friend may be more popular than you, you are still willing to help them out with their success, hoping that you'll get your piece of the pie in turn.

You have a tendency to be overly obsessive over small details, sometimes worrying too much about them rather than looking at the whole picture. Your attention to detail does come in handy at times, though. You also loooooove fashion, style, and looking as good as any pony can be! Whatever it takes to look as classy and elegant as possible — that's your motto, because you care how other ponies see you, and want to make sure that your impression is the one that stands out the most.


Welcome to my page.


Have some feels, part two! · 12:31am Sep 7th, 2013

I've organized some videos into various little categories for your convenience.

TF2 miscellaneous and of varied quality.

TF2 Series: Once Upon A Time In 2Fort.

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I wish I had mastery over time so I could stop it and read all these awesome stories:pinkiehappy:



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