• Member Since 31st Jan, 2012
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So I heard you like Ponies... · 5:42pm Mar 15th, 2015

Right so this is my first one of these. All seven of my followers, including the two of you in the game, I'm going to be running a Pathfinder RPG stream on Youtube at 7pm EST tomorrow, 3/16. It'll feature excitement, adventure, drama, mystery, action, romance and grown men pretending to be ponies on the internet for your amusement!* If you wanted to stop by and watch me make a damn fool of myself, go right ahead! The more the merrier, refreshments will be served at 6:55 sharp, and those of you

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Comments ( 48 )
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Thanks for choosing to favor Rainbow Family Fun, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

thanks for the favorite

Hiyah! Thank you so much for the favorite on The Immortal's Burden! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding In the Dark of the Night to your library. Much obliged!

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