• Member Since 7th Aug, 2013
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Brony Soprano

Who really cares about the things people say about you that they don't have the guts to say to your face?


My Father Doesn't Have Cancer Anymore. · 3:16pm Oct 5th, 2017

Yesterday, October 4th of 2017, a Wednesday, my father went home to be with his God.

He was fifty-eight years of age. The last six of them he had spent fighting cancer, struggling every day as that horrible disease slowly robbed him of his strength, his independence, and in the end, his mind, but never his peace, or his will to fight.

I only hope that when it is my time to die, I may go with half as much peace and dignity as I saw in his eyes the last time we ever spoke.

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Thanks for the fave on my story!

Thank you for the fave on Dense as Diamonds. Please enjoy your purple marshmallow fluff. :raritywink::twilightblush:

Thank you for adding This Isn't War to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!

Thanks for the favorite on With Tears in Her Eyes by the way! :twilightsmile:

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