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OUT NOW: The Haunting of Beregost · 6:05pm Dec 13th, 2024

Hello all! I've got something hopefully interesting today: I've written something new! Been working on this one awhile, as a warm up for a larger book. The Haunting of Beregost is a adventure meant for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons and is set in the Forgotten Realms setting, in the small trading town of Beregost.

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Many of my fics belong to a sprawling continuity affectionately dubbed the Songverse. The name originated probably as a reference to the fact that most of the titles and much of the imagery was intentionally taken from Song of Solomon, but later because of the Cosmology hinted at in the idea of the "Song" as creation story.

The "Songverse" and the "Nightverse" are something of a gestalt entity. The main branch of the Songverse is listed, but you will notice there are others--it is best to think of all of these stories as parallel if not directly one after the other. One of the conceits of the entire continuity was that the world is several, reflected endlessly with variety.

Primary Songverse (Chronological Order)

The Lilies of the Field
A Lady Does Everything With Feeling
Browsing Among the Lilies (NSFW)
Where the Sun is Silent
Catch For Us the Little Foxes
Like a Mighty Flame
Learning to Soar
Great Heart Will Not Be Denied
Up From the Wilderness
The Concept of Anxiety
All the Wealth of Her House

Splinter Songverse (Where Rainbow Died in “Sun is Silent”)

My Love, a Ghost
Will the Circle Be Unbroken?

Stories Parallel but of Uncertain Categorization

Where Mad Gods Dance
Towards Some Greater Dawn
Broken Voice
Redeem Us In Our Solemn Hour

NightVerse—The Night is Passing shares thematic elements with the Songverse proper and also much of its lore and even some of its locations/events. It is a long, self-contained story.

The Night is Passing
Lily’s Song
But Bears it Out, Even to the Edge of Doom
Beyond Seas of Mountains